Since I heard about the website "Piktochart," I have been wanting to test it out! I thought it looked so neat and easily accessible to use for both teachers and students in the classroom. Basically it's like making an interactive poster. Normally I would use Microsoft Publisher or Powerpoint to do something like this, but this website is so cool! Very easy to use and navigate.
As neat as this website is, I have a few critiques... I found it a little slow at times to upload pictures. I also found it slow to change the background colour. I tried and it kept slowing down and glitching. That is why I am stuck with this lovely turquoise colour...
As you can see, I created a poster about my blog. I displayed what operating systems that have viewed my blog, how many visitors, my pages, my labels, my blog title and my web address! I really liked using this because it made it so fun to make posters and it's very VISUAL! So for teachers who have very visual learners... this is PERFECT! There is no need for lots of typing and paragraphs, but simply less typing and more visual pictures. As you can see, you can probably read my poster in about 20 seconds and understand it!
This looks awesome!